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Non-quadratic potentials

Solving learning problems numerically by discretizing the $x$ and $y$ variables allows in principle to deal with arbitrary non-Gaussian priors. Compared to Gaussian priors, however, the resulting stationarity equations are intrinsically nonlinear.

As a typical example let us formulate a prior in terms of nonlinear and non-quadratic ``potential'' functions $\psi $ acting on ``filtered differences'' $\omega$ = ${\bf W}(\phi -t)$, defined with respect to some positive (semi-)definite inverse covariance ${\bf K}$ = ${\bf W}^T {\bf W}$. In particular, consider a prior factor of the following form

e^{-\int \! dx\, \psi(\omega(x))-\ln Z_\phi}
\end{displaymath} (595)

where $E(\phi)$ = $\int \! dx \,\psi(\omega(x))$. For general density estimation problems we understand $x$ to stand for a pair $(x,y)$. Such priors are for example used for image restoration [70,28,168,71,248,246].

For differentiable $\psi $ function the functional derivative with respect to $\phi(x)$ becomes

\delta_{\phi(x)} p(\phi)
-e^{-\int \! dx^\prime\, \psi(\o...
{\bf W}(x^{\prime\prime},x)
\end{displaymath} (596)

with $\psi^\prime(s)$ = $d\psi(z)/dz$, from which follows
\delta_{\phi} E(\phi)
-\delta_{\phi} \ln p(\phi) = {\bf W}^T \psi^\prime
\end{displaymath} (597)

For nonlinear filters acting on $\phi - t$, ${\bf W}$ in Eq. (597) must be replaced by $\omega^\prime(x)$ = $\delta_{\phi(x)}\omega(x)$. Instead of one ${\bf W}$ a ``filter bank'' ${\bf W}_\alpha$ with corresponding ${\bf K}_\alpha$, $\omega_\alpha$, and $\psi_\alpha$ may be used, so that
\int \! dx\, \psi_\alpha(\omega_\alpha(x))-\ln Z_\phi}
\end{displaymath} (598)

\delta_{\phi} E(\phi)
= \sum_\alpha {\bf W}_\alpha^T \psi_\alpha ^\prime
\end{displaymath} (599)

The potential functions $\psi $ may be fixed in advance for a given problem. Typical choices to allow discontinuities are symmetric ``cup'' functions with minimum at zero and flat tails for which one large step is cheaper than many small ones [238]). Examples are shown in Fig. 12 (a,b). The cusp in (b), where the derivative does not exist, requires special treatment [246]. Such functions can also be interpreted in the sense of robust statistics as flat tails reduce the sensitivity with respect to outliers [100,101,67,26].

Inverted ``cup'' functions, like those shown in Fig. 12 (c), have been obtained by optimizing a set of $\psi_\alpha$ with respect to a sample of natural images [246]. (For statistics of natural images their relation to wavelet-like filters and sparse coding see also [175,176].)

Figure 12: Non-quadratic potentials of the form $\psi (x)$ = $a( 1.0 - 1/(1+(\vert x-x_0\vert/b)^\gamma ))$, [246]: ``Diffusion terms'': (a) Winkler's cup function [238] ($a$= $5$, $b$ = $10$, $\gamma $ = $0.7$, $x_0$ = $0$), (b) with cusp ($a$= $1$, $b$ = $3$, $\gamma $ = $2$, $x_0$ = $0$), (c) ``Reaction term'' ($a$ = $-4.8$, $b$ = $15$, $\gamma $ = $2.0$ $x_0$ = $0$).
\epsfig{file=ps/psi1.eps, width=71mm}\end{center}\vspace{-0.5cm}

While, for ${\bf W}$ which are differential operators, cup functions promote smoothness, inverse cup functions can be used to implement structure. For such ${\bf W}$ the gradient algorithm for minimizing $E(\phi)$,

\phi_{\rm new}
= \phi_{\rm old} - \eta \delta_\phi E(\phi_{\rm old})
\end{displaymath} (600)

becomes in the continuum limit a nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation,
= -\sum_\alpha {\bf W}_\alpha^T
\psi_\alpha^\prime ({\bf W}_\alpha(\phi-t))
\end{displaymath} (601)

Here a formal time variable $\tau$ have been introduced so that $(\phi_{\rm new}-\phi_{\rm old})/\eta\rightarrow \phi_\tau = d\phi/d\tau$. For cup functions this equation is of diffusion type [173,188], if also inverted cup functions are included the equation is of reaction-diffusion type [246]. Such equations are known to generate a great variety of patterns.

Alternatively to fixing $\psi $ in advance or, which is sometimes possible for low-dimensional discrete function spaces like images, to approximate $\psi $ by sampling from the prior distribution, one may also introduce hyperparameters and adapt potentials $\psi(\theta)$ to the data.

For example, attempting to adapt a unrestricted function $\psi (x)$ with hyperprior $p(\psi)$ by Maximum A Posteriori Approximation one has to solve the stationarity condition

0 =
\delta_{\psi(s)} \ln p(\phi,\psi)
\delta_{\psi(s)} \ln p(\phi\vert\psi)
+\delta_{\psi(s)} \ln p(\psi)
\end{displaymath} (602)

\delta_{\psi(s)} p(\phi\vert\psi)
-p(\phi\vert\psi) \int \...
...mega(x) \right)
- \frac{1}{Z_\phi^2} \delta_{\psi(s)} Z_\phi
\end{displaymath} (603)

it follows
-\delta_{\psi(s)} \ln p(\phi\vert\psi)
n(s) - <n(s)>
\end{displaymath} (604)

with integer
n(s) = \int \!dx\, \delta \left(s-\omega(x) \right)
\end{displaymath} (605)

being the histogram of the filtered differences, and average histogram
<n(s)> \; = \int\! d\phi \, p(\phi\vert\psi) \, n(s)
\end{displaymath} (606)

The right hand side of Eq. (604) is zero at $\phi^*$ if, e.g., $p(\phi\vert\psi)$ = $\delta(\phi-\phi^*)$, which is the case for $\psi(\omega(x;\phi))$ = $\beta \left(\omega(x;\phi)-\omega(x;\phi^*)\right)^2$ in the ${\beta\rightarrow\infty}$ limit.

Introducing hyperparameters one has to keep in mind that the resulting additional flexibility must be balanced by the number of training data and the hyperprior to be useful in practice.

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Joerg_Lemm 2001-01-21